Today I have the last of the 3 products I was sent for review from Born Pretty Store,
Virgin Mary water slide decals item #17030. When Born Pretty contacted me to select some products this was the first one I picked! I thought they were so different and cool and I have nothing like them. Check out what I came up with.

I’m calling this look Renaissance Scrapbook lol For the base I used OPI LAMB and then outlined each nail with Julep Fiore.

Here are the
decalsbefore I chopped them up lol I like that some of the images have 2 sizes so you can select the perfect fit for your nail size.

Virgin Mary water slide decals item #17030applied just like any other water slide decal, submerge in water for 20 seconds and then they slide off the paper backing and you can position onto the nail. Some of the bigger images you need to position carefully and work out the air bubbles so that they lay flat, but same goes for any water decals.

On the ring finger I added some jewels into the shape of the cross.

These decals are weird enough to not be everyone’s cup-o-tea but I love them! I have a thing for old paintings so they’re right up my alley. You can buy the Virgin Mary decals
HERE, I recommend them! Would you wear these decals?
(Some of these products were provided to me for review)
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